The recent approval of the fixed-dose combination of pertuzumab and trastuzumab (PH FDC SC) for subcutaneous injection provides a more convenient treatment option for HER2-positive breast cancer. This ready-to-use formulation combines two essential HER2-targeted antibodies in one single dose, delivering a proven efficacious regimen without compromising safety or outcomes compared to the standard intravenous preparations. By reducing administration time to just minutes, PH FDC SC maximizes patient comfort and flexibility. This innovative pharmaceutical solution epitomizes the next step forward in improving care delivery for the subset of breast cancer patients who can benefit from dual HER2 blockade. Ultimately, optimizing convenience through developments like PH FDC SC may help to reduce barriers to adherence.
羅氏大藥廠專注於重大未滿足醫療需求及具專業之領域,包含癌症、免疫、感染性疾病、眼科及中樞神經系統五大領域。自創立以來,已陸續推出多種深受醫藥界和患者推崇的優良產品,例如:神經安定劑、抗巴金森氏症藥物、抗生素、干擾素、紅血球生成素、抗病毒藥物、器官移植抗排斥劑、抗癌製劑、流行性感冒藥物、B型及C 型肝炎製劑、類風濕性關節炎製劑及免疫療法。